Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my first time to have my motherhood celebrated. What I found was somewhat surprising. I discovered that Mother's Day wasn't terribly important to me. Yes, it was nice to have the work I do as a mother recognized. But the previous notions I had about how Mother's Day should be celebrated were smashed by reality and my feelings that I have now that I AM a mother.
 Before baby I would have thought that I would want the day to myself, a day of spa treatment, a day to selfishly celebrate ME! ... Then I became a mother, the day approached without much thought from me. I made my own mother a card the night before like I normally do. My thoughts in it were a bit different this year though.. I was able to really appreciate my mother for the first time. I now know the emotional stress being a mother can be but also the unrelenting love a mother has for her child that trumps all the sacrifices we make as mothers. It seemed more important for me to show my appreciation for my mother this year then it did to receive it for myself. Yes, I absolutely adore the card I got from my husband and his heartfelt words in it. I loved that he had our seven month old "sign" the bottom too. I enjoyed the Lullaby CD he found. But even with that I realized that the true gift on Mother's day was simply BEING a mother. I am blessed to have a beautiful son who is learning and growing at a rapid pace. I am blessed to have a husband that loves, cherishes, and respects me. I am blessed to have my own mother who has always been a rock for me.

Bottom line.. I'm BLESSED. While I am sure I will continue to enjoy the cards and gifts I receive in the future on this day, I will rest in the knowledge that my true gift was given already... my son. I need nothing more then my husband, my son, and a mother and family of love.

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