Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It's what I strive for. It's what I crave. No need for all the fluff of life.

Christmas time always makes me ponder how to maintain simplicity. As said by many, it has become so materialistic. How can we (I) get back to the basics?

God, family, love. Things that are needed, things that are simple, things that are always there. We often get so busy over the holidays we forget to stop and really see the truth of things. The stress of presents and having everything perfect for the big day isn't it. What is the truth?

Christmas: A time to celebrate and worship a loving God. A time to grasp a moment of time with family. A time to love.

Slow down. Love. Enjoy a simple Christmas.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fluffy peace

The world looks so innocent and pure when there's a fluffy coat of white stuff over it. For a moment life slows down, smiles are shared, cocoa is sipped slowly. Oh to be snowed in. It's a lovely fleeting moment in life. Nowhere to go, nothing needing done. Just being.

Why can't this happen more often? Why is life so busy and complicated? How can a simple insulation of white make a life slow down?

It doesn't last, life picks right back up where it was left off and often with even more to do. But for that instant there was tranquility. Simplicity.

Friday, December 18, 2009

In Between...

I'm not really sure what I want out of this blog. It's mainly just a place to put my thoughts, tell some stories. I wanted a new format to voice my ideas. It's not even about who reads it... if it ends up just me that's fine and dandy. Sometimes I just have these ideas and need to play them out to see where they go.

So in between messy diapers, laundry, and tending to my husband I will spend sometime chatting on here.  About my day, about my son, about my dreams.